Because I was bored, sick, and out of ideas, I made my friends tell me about their day and hashtag them. I offered to put appropriate pictures of the British Monarchy with them. I guess this is the blog equivalent of a television clip show? But funnier! They're hilarious--enjoy!
Today, at a professional workshop, one of the presenters said during her presentation, "wrong sex toy." No one knew what to do or say and many even questioned their hearing. Then giggling. #bestpresentationoftheday #thesepeopleareinpublishing #cantmakethisshitup
I saw a Jaguar today with the license plate that read "BLONDE." It was upside down and a blonde was driving the car. I laughed and laughed but did not run off the road. :^) #theyhavemorefun #meow
Last week I was looking at diagrams for our new office in Westfields and asked in front of several VPs if we really have so many new mothers that warrant half the basement to be a "pump room". Turns out "pump room" means like actual pumps for the building. #breastpumps #notpregnantjustamoron
Today, I ripped another pair of jeans - second pair this week #ugh #fattyfattynofriends #fattyfatterson #goodthingnordstromswillreturnanythingibringthem #returningtwopairsofjeansandmycats #thanksweightwatchers #passthewine.
My cat managed to injure himself. And starting to enjoy my GIS class. Also, injuring myself via running. #selfdestructivecat #cantstoprunning #omggisisneat
I got my hair did. 2 sbux runs. A date cancelled...he is a Brazilian model and I m heartbroken. Got a car wash. Detailed my interior. Drinking bottles of wine at vinoteca. Just because my date flaked doesn't mean I shouldn't enjoy some Spanish varietals! #foreveralone #freshcut #iswearimbotanalcoholic #brazil
My 2 year old who loves food...all food...will sometimes stick her hand in the crock that we keep the butter in on the counter, you know, for a buttery good snack. The other day there was grease from the frying pan in an identical looking crock and she was not happy with the taste. #becausebutter #blamethedog #wedontevenhaveadog
I wrote my response for an online class on my laptop Monday night, then forgot to email it to myself so I could finish it at school on Tuesday before the 5 PM deadline. I rewrote the whole thing #cantleavethechildrentodrivehome #technologyfail #imresponsiblefor27children #whyamitakingthisclassagain #larnhowtoemail #perfectionisttendencies #gofreadsilentlywhilemsvernerwritesherpaper
Audrey threw such an embarrassing fit at Cooper's basketball game Saturday that Dan had to leave the building with her. #funattheymca #sourpatch #tantrum #age6 #kidsareembarrassing #shewantedadrink #waterisnotgoodenough #ineedadrink #waterwasnotstrongenough #nexttimeiwillbringdrinks
Alyssa's friends make me feel like I have nothing eventful going on in my life. #boring
I went on a first date last night at the Starbucks inside of Target #definitelyoldpictures #thisisnotokay_cupid #isthiswhereyoutakeallthegirls #norepeats #expectmorepayless #missedthemark #notabullseye
And for the friend that sent me the private rant about a coworker, here ya go. #peoplearecrazy #theyhavemoreissuesthanpeoplemagazine #maybetimeforearplugs
This was fun, guys! Thanks for playing!