Even better than being compared to a European monarch, if you donate $25 or more, she'll gift you an original print of your choosing from her photography collection, and she is quite the photographer. You can check out the images here, and her images are featured throughout this post, which is why it's so pretty.
AND, you can donate Luminarias in honor or memory or support of someone for $10 each, the notify the recipient with an e-card. I did one in support of Katherine, in honor of my cancer survivor dad, and in memory of my grandfathers who both had cancer.
Why support Katherine at the Eastern Prince William County Relay for Life? In her own words...
"Not because on April 18th 2012 I was diagnosed with Stage IIb Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. And not because I received 18 rounds of chemotherapy over the course of a year, 5 surgeries in 18 months, and am 2 years in to a 10 year course of a daily selective estrogen-receptor modifier. But because I have the pleasure of participating in the Survivor Ceremony.
Not only do I have the pleasure to walk along the ranks of those who have told the "Big C" to suck it. I have been invited to speak at the opening of the ceremony.
My goal is to raise $100 for every year since diagnosis. As you budget your tax-deductable charitable donations for 2015, please consider contributing to my fund-raising for the American Cancer Society. For just $10 you can dedicate a personalized Luminaria to someone you know impacted by cancer. These are instrumental to the Relay for Life event as they shine a light on the fight against cancer.
As if that's not enough incentive! For every contribution of $25 or more, I will gift you an original photography print of your choosing from my collection." Click here to donate.
In conclusion, Kate approves.