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Waiting Rooms, Ranked

Weigh in day, and I lost another 1.4 pounds with 14.8 to go!  Holla!
veryprinceharry:      Harry and William cute moments: For more click [Here]
"Lovely job!"
Since I've visited so many doctors in the last week, I thought I would tell you about their waiting rooms instead of what I ate yesterday! 

Waiting Room #1
Decor: Standard issue chairs.  However, there's a children's play area that has a child sized kitchen where all the stuff makes noise.  Why, God, why?!?
Magazine Selection: Indeterminate--the covers were ripped off long ago.  Also, medical pamphlets that no one in their right mind would read.  You couldn't pay me to touch all of the germ-infested periodicals.
Front Desk Staff: On loan from Satan.
Overall: 1 out of 5
"Please have a seat--we'll screw up your insurance information when we damn well feel like it."
Waiting Room #2
Decor: We need to have a talk here, ob/gyns of the world.  I think you should have two waiting rooms, because you have two groups that have very different needs--ladies that want to have children, and ladies that do NOT want to have children.  The ladies that want to have children can have seating for their husbands and three other screaming children they ALWAYS bring with them, they can have their Parents, Working Mom, and Maternity magazines.  The rest of us can have a quiet room that serves vodka and has the newest edition of US Weekly.  And maybe someone doing pedicures.
Magazine Selection:  Parents, Parenting, Mother's Day, Mothering, Mother's World, Mother's Parenting World Day (I'm just making these up--I'm assuming they're all the same magazine)
Front Desk Staff: Nice when I was there, hateful on the phone.

Overall: 2 out of 5
Gynecologists of the world--take note.

Waiting Room #3
Decor: Normal waiting room furniture.  But!  There was a tv.  But!  It was set to FOX News.  But!  There were free snacks and they were GOOD snacks.  And a cappuccino machine!
Magazine Selection: Raggedy copies of TIME.
Front Desk Staff: Pleasant, but confused.  Checked me in for the wrong procedure.
Overall: 3 out of 5
Waiting Room #4
Decor: Couches with that weird floral pattern that only existed in the early 90s.  Since the waiting room also serves other independent practitioners, there are some interesting characters.  Based on the clientele, I'd imagine one of the doctors specializes in screaming teenage girls.
Magazine Selection: Odd mix of magazines that no one wants to read (House Beautiful, anyone?), all from November 2009.
Front Desk Staff: None.
Overall: 1 out of 5
Did I mention the matching wing chairs?

Waiting Room #5
Decor: Last time it was painted a lovely blue and had soft tan sofas and silk blue and green pillows.  It's still nice, but for some reason, they decided to refurnish it with every bright green, black, and white piece of furniture from the latest Ikea catalog.
Magazine Selection: Primo stuff: People, Highlights for Children, Washingtonian, Good Housekeeping
Front Desk Staff: Pleasant but clueless, however, they always answer the phone
Overall: 5 out of 5
2010 ikea living room green ideas 550x653 2010 IKEA Living Room Design Ideas
Monkey not included.
Waiting Room #6
Decor: Spartan but clean.  However, there are lots of signs, all of them in Comic Sans.  ALL OF THEM.
Magazine Selection: Older copies of good stuff like People and Entertainment Weekly.
Front Desk Staff: They never answer the phone, but they're very nice in person.  The morning receptionist looks like Gabby Douglass from the women's US gymnastics team.
Overall: 4 out of 5
The doctor will see you shortly.

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