Breakfast was a cup of rice chex and a half cup of milk with a glass of water. Total: 4 points
Lunch was two big spinach and cheese raviolis, half of a giant apple, and a piece of wheat bread dipped in a teaspoon of olive oil. Plus two glasses of water. Total: 7 points
Dinner was two ounces of Lothar's slider mix (half bacon, half beef, all awesome), potato casserole, half cup of tomatoes with a teaspoon of olive oil and three fourths of an ounce of fat free feta. And two glasses of water. Dessert was a fiber one cookie. Total: 12 points
Snack was a glass of milk and two cookies. Total: 10 points
Liquids: 6/6
Here's what I think about his Ten Commandments of Weight Loss:
Lunch was two big spinach and cheese raviolis, half of a giant apple, and a piece of wheat bread dipped in a teaspoon of olive oil. Plus two glasses of water. Total: 7 points
Dinner was two ounces of Lothar's slider mix (half bacon, half beef, all awesome), potato casserole, half cup of tomatoes with a teaspoon of olive oil and three fourths of an ounce of fat free feta. And two glasses of water. Dessert was a fiber one cookie. Total: 12 points
Snack was a glass of milk and two cookies. Total: 10 points
Liquids: 6/6
Dairy: 2/2
Vitamin: 1/1
Healthy Oil: 2/2
Fruits/Veggies: 3/5
Protein: 3/2
Whole Grains: yes, rice chex, bread
Exercise: yes, wii fit
Vitamin: 1/1
Healthy Oil: 2/2
Fruits/Veggies: 3/5
Protein: 3/2
Whole Grains: yes, rice chex, bread
Exercise: yes, wii fit
Total: 26/26 points
Weekly Points: 7/49 for the week
Weekly Points: 7/49 for the week
Okay, so all of that was mildly uninteresting. So let's talk about my new nemesis: Dr. Oz. I have tried a few of his recipes, which have been crap, and now I think his advice is crap.
Here's what I think about his Ten Commandments of Weight Loss:
1. Thou Shalt Not Wear Pants that Stretch
Wearing stretchy clothes allows you to live in ignorance of how your body is growing, making it easier to pack on pounds without knowing it.
Could not agree more. The first time I gained weight (when I stopped working in retail) it was because my size 6 jeans still fit. Because I wasn't working and wearing dress pants, I didn't noticed that I had stretched them.
2. Thou Shalt Not Keep Fat Clothes in Your Closet
When you keep the clothes you wore at an unhealthy weight, it gives you a back-up plan if the pounds don't come off. Instead, force yourself to stay on track by 86ing your "fat pants." Agree.
3. Thou Shalt Not Eat Meat That Walks on Four Legs More Than Once a Week
Meat that comes from an animal with 4 legs is higher in saturated fat (the unhealthy kind) than that which comes from 2-legged animals such as chickens, or animals with no legs, like fish. Plus: women who eat large amounts of red meat more than once a week have a 50% higher chance of dying from heart disease and have higher cancer rates. Kind of disagree--yes, lean protein is better for you. But as long as you can keep your portion control of four legged animals under control, it's okay. And I am a big fan of meatless. Everything in moderation.
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Limit your consumption. |
4. Thou Shalt Not Graze
Plan your meal before you open the refrigerator, get what you need, and close the door. Opening it throughout the day leads to impulsive choices and overeating. Disagree--I think you SHOULD graze, by having several planned/healthy snacks during the day. I think what he's trying to say here is to plan. But he didn't say that. And he should. Because he gets paid lots of money.
5. Thou Shalt Not Eat After 7:30pm
When you eat late at night you are more likely to be eating in front of the TV (when you won't pay attention to how much you're putting in your mouth) and you're more likely to pick high-calorie snacks. Disagree. While I know that you mindlessly snack while watching tv, this is a stupid rule. I'm usually just getting dinner on the table at 7:30!
6. Thou Shalt Not Pile Food More than 1 Inch High or Within 2 Inches of the Plate Edge
Larger portions equal more calories. 'Nuff said. Disagree. This is stupid--it would just make people use a bigger plate.
7. Thou Shalt Not Chew Food Less than 20 Times Per Bite
Chewing allows your body to realize that you are eating food, prompting it to create a sensation of fullness at the appropriate time. When you don't chew enough, you get ahead of that process, eating well past when you are actually satisfied. Okay, I get what he's saying here--enjoy the food, chew it more, etc. But try to chew a bite 20 times the next time you eat. It gets weird around bite 10.
8. Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Plate
Spend your day nibbling bites on someone else's sandwich or afternoon snack, and you will add on 1,000 calories easy. Disagree--I think that sharing a dessert or having five french fries off of your boyfriend's plate can be an awesome coping strategy.
I'll just have a bite of this. |
9. Thou Shalt Not Carry Small Bills
Nothing loves a small bill better than a vending machine. When you have them at the ready, you are one step closer to an impulsive, calorie-loaded afternoon slip up. Look, if I really want M&Ms, not having a small bill is not going to stop me.
10. Thou Shalt Not Eat While Standing Up
Eating sitting down enables you to be aware of what you're eating and eat it slowly so that your body can tell you your full before it's too late. Is this really a problem for people?
Tomorrow: MY commandments of weight loss. Now gimme my own TV show.
Tomorrow: MY commandments of weight loss. Now gimme my own TV show.