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Guest Blogger Diana

In today's Shame Squad, I'm interviewing my Honorary Sister, Diana, who has been doing way better than I have with losing weight and getting in shape (but is providing me some great motivation)!  Here we are at Amy's bachelorette party:

Alyssa: You've lost an amazing 29 pounds in 7 months. What prompted you to get started?

Diana: I have lost 29 pounds over the past 7 months. However, I have lost 15 of those in the last 5 weeks when I decided to really get serious. What prompted the change was a separation from my husband in June. I discovered that I have been completely focused on taking care of my husband and children for many years, and it was time to take care of me.

Alyssa: I think that's a trap that so many people fall in to--they put their own health last after spouses, kids, work, and other things.  The best advice I ever got was "on the airplane, they tell you to put your oxygen mask before helping others, and there's a reason for that."  It's true--you can't help others until you help yourself first.

Diana: A friends told me that once I lost the first 180 pounds ;) from a bad marriage, that the rest would come right off. I guess she was right.
Note: weight lost may depend on size of ex husband.
Alyssa: I love that you've come up with your own hash tag.  Tell everyone about #dolo.

Diana: #DOLO is my motto for the changes in my life that I am striving for. Diana only lives once. It's was drives me right now. I have only one life to live, and I should enjoy it. So I am taking better care of myself physically, but it's more than just that. I am LIVING out loud with no holding back. I am trying new things, meeting new people, laughing whenever possible, flirting, dancing, whatever I want to do.

Alyssa's Note: Amy dedicated a Christmas poinsettia in Diana's honor, and was the first one in the church's history to put a hash tag in the bulletin.

Alyssa: You're working with a trainer. What exercise does he do that you hate? What's your favorite?

Diana: Time with Trainer Mike is money well spent. I usually don't like anything that has to do with abs or machines that I designate as "boy machines" where you have to add the weights manually. However he pushes me to try all the ones that intimidate me. What I like is anything involving my legs. I have discovered that this is where I am super strong. Also I love this thing called a smash ball. It is weighted. I squat down, pick it up over my head, and slam it down. Great stress reliever!!

Alyssa: Glad I'm not the only one intimidated by the "boy machines."  It's great that you're overcoming fitness intimidations!

Pictured: a dreaded boy machine.
Alyssa: Let's talk about what you eat. What does a typical day look like for you, food-wise?

Diana: Let's see. I am following the weight watchers program, but definitely have a new pattern that works for me. I eat 5 times a day. Typical day:

  • Breakfast- long commute so I like to eat something in the car, usually a luna bar or Lara bar and a banana
  • Snack- greek yogurt with almonds 
  • Lunch- leftovers from home or a chicken wrap using a flat out wrap
  • Snack- wheat thins and laughing cow cheese, apple
  • Dinner- usually something chicken related or a light variation on whatever I am making the kids.

I love that the Laughing Cow is wearing Laughing Cow Earrings.

Alyssa: Favorite unhealthy food?

Diana: Definitely chips and queso. I am obsessed!

Alyssa: I'm right behind you with chips and salsa.  It's no surprise to you that I like anything with fresh tomatoes.  You once told me I ate so many tomatoes that I was going to turn in to a tomato.  But I'm fully supportive of a cheese addiction too!
If only there was some way to make this healthy.
Alyssa: Give us one of your favorite healthy recipes.

Diana: My favorite lunch right now is grilled chicken with red pepper strips and a pepper jack laughing cow wedge on a flat out wrap. Delicious!!

Alyssa: What are your ultimate goals--what are you working towards?

Diana: The major goal is to feel comfortable and confident in my own skin. Also, I will turn 40 this year. I would love to be on a beach in a bikini for my 40th birthday. How great would that be?!

Alyssa: That would be awesome.  I would get you this cake.

Alyssa: And finally, what's your favorite outfit Kate Middleton has worn and what do you like about it?

Diana: I like the cutouts and sheer illusions. I think she is even pregnant in this photo. She's not showing any skin, but she looks very hot and confident. That's what I like most about her. She seems very confident in her own skin.

Alyssa: I agree!  Thanks for stopping by and for getting me interested in flat out wraps!  And I'll think of you every time I use a "boy machine" at the gym.  :)

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