Well, it had been a while since Camilla had to make an appearance...
It has been a rough week. Like 1.4% of Florida's population, or 9.7% of New Hampshire's population, I enjoy (sarcasm) all of the fun associated with Seasonal Affective Disorder. The classic characteristics are: oversleeping, daytime fatigue, craving carbs, and...WEIGHT GAIN.
I'm definitely having all of those, most of which I've had in years prior, except the carb cravings are new. And obnoxious. I crave things I don't even like--for example, I'd kill someone right now for a soda. I can sleep for 11 hours and still wake up tired. The daytime fatigue leads me to making bad food choices. (And to be fair to Seasonal Affective Disorder, it isn't all SAD's fault--there's grad school and work, and nonsense with my former job that I'm hoping will be over soon).
So like, here's what happens. For example, Tuesday:

"Oh hi guys." |
I'm definitely having all of those, most of which I've had in years prior, except the carb cravings are new. And obnoxious. I crave things I don't even like--for example, I'd kill someone right now for a soda. I can sleep for 11 hours and still wake up tired. The daytime fatigue leads me to making bad food choices. (And to be fair to Seasonal Affective Disorder, it isn't all SAD's fault--there's grad school and work, and nonsense with my former job that I'm hoping will be over soon).
Yes, please! |
- Breakfast was a skim latte, which was all well and good. Total: 2 points
- Lunch was a cup of brown rice (delicious carbs), and leftover turkey meatballs, plus two glasses of water. Total: 8 points So again, not bad.
- But I didn't eat my veggies in olive oil that I had brought. Instead, I had some Hershey kisses (carbs!). Total: 4 points
- So my intention was to catch up on the veggies, healthy oil, and dairy when I got home. Which I did okay with, having an ounce and a half of cheese. Total: 5 points
- And then we went out for Indian, and I had chicken and rice (more carbs!) with raita and roti (caaaaaaaaaarbs). Also wine (carbs). And ice cream (carbs). And a little bit of water. Total: 17 points
Gimme gimme gimme! |
So what did I have to show for my 35 points? THIS disaster:
Liquids: 5/6
Dairy: 3/2
Vitamin: 0/1 Pure laziness!
Healthy Oil: 0/2
Healthy Oil: 0/2
Fruits/Veggies: 0/5 Seriously. Seriously?!
Protein: 5/2 At least SOMETHING went well
Whole Grains: brown rice and roti
Exercise: Nope.
Protein: 5/2 At least SOMETHING went well
Whole Grains: brown rice and roti
Exercise: Nope.
Days Until Honeymoon: 55
Pounds to lose: 15.8 - That's UP 2 pounds since last week (as of 1/4)
Total: 26/26 points
Weekly Points: 39/49 for the week
And then it got worse, and worse, and even worse. I actually worked on the 1st (inventory) and we were supposed to be done in 3-4 hours. But it took 6, and I wasn't prepared, so I ate all of my emergency snacks in my desk. Most of which were chocolate-based. I went in to both Thursday and Friday thinking that "I'll do better!" but I was really unprepared with food, and once I minorly derailed "I'll just have one cappucino cookie...or five," I just let it all go to hell.
Weekly Points: 39/49 for the week
And then it got worse, and worse, and even worse. I actually worked on the 1st (inventory) and we were supposed to be done in 3-4 hours. But it took 6, and I wasn't prepared, so I ate all of my emergency snacks in my desk. Most of which were chocolate-based. I went in to both Thursday and Friday thinking that "I'll do better!" but I was really unprepared with food, and once I minorly derailed "I'll just have one cappucino cookie...or five," I just let it all go to hell.
I'll just have this chocolate. I don't really need my dominant hand. |
In conclusion...
So what am I doing about this?
- Exercise - Chris made me a helpful exercise chart with rewards
- Plan better - Take healthy meals and snacks to work so I don't end up eating all of the chocolate I can scavenge
- Talk to the doctor about a light box
- Move to Hawaii ;)
And finally, if you have winter depression (or know someone who does), any suggestions?