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Catching up...

Aaaaand we're back!  Where have we been?  Well, with my sister's wedding, the last classes of a grad certificate, plus sitting for a crazy hard certification exam, something had to fall off the radar, which was writing down hilarious things about what I ate.  Sorry!

But now that I have successfully rocked the MOH duties...

...finished my grad certificate...

...and passed the SPHR!

During that time, I did okay with eating and exercise--I usually made the best choice available, and did some light cardio and strength a few times a week.  I didn't gain any weight, but I didn't lose any either.

Then I went to Disney World.

Yep, that's a hot dog with macaroni and bacon bits on it.  I ate it.  I regret nothing.

Okay, well, maybe I regret something.  Because the scale starts with a 16 now, and my body fat % is terrifying.  So the re-commitment to The Shame Squad begins again.

Breakfast was a banana (105), almond butter (80), and two glasses of water.  The fabulous Jen over at Jen Crowder Fitness and Nutrition got me hooked on almond butter.  And since Jen is a mom to 5, full time teacher, former Redskins cheerleader, generally positive person and looks ah-MAZ-ing, I decided to give it a try.  Also the 80 calorie packs keep me in check, otherwise I'd eat the whole jar with a spoon.

Lunch was a pork chop (250) and a cup and a half of Skinnytaste pasta salad (175), plus two more glasses of water.
I love this pasta salad.  I make it a little healthier by using whole grain elbows.
Before going to the gym, I had some carby goodness from a half cup of Barbara's Puffins Cereal (60).  Let me tell you: Puffins are legit, with 2 grams of protein and 5 of fiber per serving, plus the company is transparent and socially responsible.

Then came the gym.  Uuuuuugh.  I pushed it hard on the cardio by hitting the max heart rate my doctor is cool with for about 20 minutes.  Then I focused on legs.  Note to self: k-tape your knee.  It hurts.  Turns out that my beloved husband and the Atlanta Superfriends have talked me in to running/walking a 5k in January.  
Everyone in this picture looks nice, but really, they just love to get up early and go running.
Specifically the Star Wars 5k.  Which begs the question: what running costume should I wear?
Princess Leia?
Let me know what you think about my costume choice, or if I should just give it up and dress as Anna from Frozen since that's what I want to do anyway.
Okay, back to food.  Dinner was a lean low country boil of shrimp (25), chicken sausage (140), potatoes (150), and corn (80).  If you want an idea of how to do your own, Old Bay has a good recipe--just add the sausage when you add the corn.  And drink lots of water to offset all the sodium.  I had four glasses.

Then I went on a 20 minute walk with my husband, followed by FitSugar's 10 Minute Arms Workout.  After that I had a protein smoothie made with frozen strawberries (50) almond milk (80) and chocolate soy protein (50).

Calories (goal is 1400): 1245
Water (goal is 8): 12
Exercise: 20 minutes of sweaty cardio, 20 minutes of walking, strength training on legs and arms.

We'll give today a Kate.

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