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Stitch Fix Review #1

I ordered a Stitch Fix box.  I blame it all on the fact that I've been sick, and watching waaaay too many episodes of "Fixer Upper," which means that I've been watching an abundance of Stitch Fix commercials.

Okay, that's not true.  Well, the being sick/Fixer Upper/commercials part is true.  But that's not why I ordered the box.  Increasingly, I'm doing more and more public speaking for work, and if you know me, you know that I don't prioritize clothes or following fashion.  (Well, outside of Kate Middleton.)  So my formula for the past decade has basically been:

$39 dress from Marshall's + tights from Costco + black or nude heels + earrings = Work Outfit
Do you like this look?  Because if you work with me, you will see this 261 days a year.
Lately it's gotten to the point that I own the exact same dress from the Nordstrom sale rack in three colors.  Three.  (It's the one above.  I also have it in red and green.)  And some of my dresses are now having double-digit anniversaries.  There's the black wrap dress that I wore to a funeral in 2007, and the same brown wrap dress that Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol was photographed wearing in 2008.  PS - Bristol Palin shops at Marshall's.  Or she did.  I don't know what she's doing now.

I let Chris pick out a dress for me recently--something majorly out of my comfort zone--and was surprised when I went to work and got lots of "yaaaaaaas girl" responses.  Chris has had success in stepping up his fashion game--he's client facing at conferences--with Sprezzabox.  Although (honesty moment here) if I go missing one day, it'll be because I drowned in a sea of neckties.   But it has definitely help him look/feel more professional, which science tells us helps us perform better at work.
Nonetheless, I was kind of skeptical about Stitch Fix for a few reasons:
  1. Does this work for business ladies?  When looking for reviews, there were lots of mom bloggers.  It's a noble profession, and one that comes with an entirely different work wardrobe.  So I wasn't sure how Stitch Fix was going to translate to Corporate Lady style.
  2. How good are the stylists, really? I know the internet is all powerful and whatnot, but could someone really style me and get correct fitting clothes from a Pinterest board and a questionnaire?
  3. What about the cost?  I (mostly) worship at the altar of frugality--was this responsible?  What if I hated all the stuff?  I'd be out $20 for the styling fee if I didn't buy any of the clothes, and that's not a good use of money.  Would I feel obligated to buy stuff I didn't need or like?
So here's how it turned out after I filled out the online questionnaire and linked to my Pinterest board.  A box showed up at my door with five items and a note from my stylist, Sydney.  As you can see, I asked to try some crop pants for work, and my stylist totally checked out my Pinterest board to see that I like a polished, nautical look.

Now let's take a look at the goods!

Arella Mini Statement Necklace
Berry Jewelry - $34

I'm a sucker for statement jewelry, earrings in particular, and I won't turn down a necklace either.  I liked this one!  BUT... as you can see, it was already missing 3 of the stones, which had come loose in transit.  Now of course, Stitch Fix gives you the ability to get a replacement for a damaged item.  But I'm savage on jewelry.  If it's not flying around the country, it's getting thrown in a desk drawer or a car cup holder at the end of a long day, or if it's annoying me when I'm working or talking on the phone with a candidate.

Final Verdict - Returned, with sadness

Irsia Scallop Trim Shell Blouse
41Hawthorn - $54

Siena Cropped Pant
Kut from the Kloth - $58

Go ahead and file both of these right under Things I'd Never Pick for Myself.  I did say I wanted to try on a pair of crop pants for work,!  When I think nautical, I think navy, white, brown, maybe a mustard yellow...  

I tried them on fully prepared for disappointment. And I wasn't thrilled about the top either when I unwrapped it.  Chris saw me before I made it to the mirror, declaring "Iloveeverythingaboutthat."  Say what?

I, too, love everything about this outfit.  I also love that the crops were roomy in the waist, and Stitch Fix is already sending me a size down, with no cost for shipping.  Requesting the new size was super easy, too!

Verdict - Happily kept both!

Kearsley Knit Blazer
Tart - $128

One other request was a 3/4 sleeve blazer for work.  And I love that my stylist obviously checked out my Pinterest board to see my love of plaid.  So A+ for effort here.  

And then I put it on., girl, no.  This taught me to be a little more specific on my requests: I should have specified structured and short.  For $100+ bucks for this blazer, Stitch Fix has kind of lost their mind.  Check out those shoulder pads!

The good news is that you can leave really specific feedback about the color, cut, fit, price point, AND enter your own comments.  So I left a note about how I'm okay paying a little more for a blazer (investment piece!) but if I'm going to do so, it needs more structure and I prefer not-as-long.

Verdict - Returned, with prejudice

Delfine Ponte Dress
Eliza J. - $98

I put down that Claire Underwood was my style inspiration (fortunately not my ethical inspiration) and the last item delivered.  

The plum color is unlike anything else in my closet, I love the pin tuck detailing on the arms and waist, and the quality is solid.  

The fabric is a little heavy for summer, but that's okay: it means that with cardigans, jackets, and tights, it can make a stellar fall/winter outfit.  And with the right jewelry and open-toed shoes, it works for spring too.  Plus the quality was great.  Also, really appreciated the style guide here.  I would never have thought to pair this with a caramel colored shoe or a blue necklace.

And you'll have to forgive the photo quality in this post--it doesn't do the dress justice--Chris just got back from a run, the lighting in the house is kind of funky mid-day (but hooray for SW facing exposure that keeps the power bill low) and I'm making him cut off my face because like I said, I'm sick.

Verdict - Kept

Oh, and that style card I mentioned?  Super helpful!  It's given me ideas for future pieces, like some work-appropriate wine/burgundy cords, and a jean jacket.

How did I feel about my concerns after my first Fix?
  1. Does this work for business ladies?  Absolutely.  On the Style Profile I filled out, I could share my LinkedIn profile, notes about what I was looking for, and complete a survey about what I wanted (business vs. casual, dresses in every box, don't send purses, etc.)
  2. How good are the stylists, really? I was really happy with Sydney, and I requested her again!
  3. What about the cost? That was the other great thing about the profile--for each type of clothing article (jewelry, pants, tops, dresses, shoes) I could pick how much I was comfortable spending.  There was also an "inexpensive as possible!" option.  AND I appreciated that even though I said I'd spend $100-$150 on a dress (because I keep them fo'eva!) they send me a great, high-quality option under my price range.  Mad respect for that.
Overall, this was really fun.  I liked that I didn't have to spend lots of time on the questionnaire or driving to the store, and that I tried things I normally wouldn't have picked--and loved them!  I also liked that the bag for my returns was included, that I would have gotten a 25% discount if I kept everything (darn that blazer and necklace!).  AND, I thought it was awesome that my $20 styling fee was put towards my purchase.

Want to try this yourself?  Here's a link.  There are Stich Fix boxes for women, men, plus size, and pregnant ladies.

Disclaimer 1 - I know many of you read this blog for frugality inspiration.  If you're paying off student loans, credit card debt, or saving for something important, do not do this right now!  You belong at Marshall's, Tar-jay, the thrift store, or gettin' cozy with a needle and thread.  There's no shame in that game, and as I attested above, I heartily subscribe to those philosophies and have for years.

Disclaimer 2 - I get $25 towards a future box if you try Stitch Fix.  Thought I should let you know, as like I said, I'm no Claire Underwood.

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