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Happy Christmas from the Browns!

This year has been busier than we'd like; hence, why you're reading this (exciting and informative?) letter after Christmas. Why so busy? 2014 has been filled with accomplishments. Namely:
  • I won the "Rookie of the Year" award at work. I got a large crystal sculpture for my troubles, which can also double as a murder weapon if needed.
  • I also passed the SPHR (Senior Professional in Human Resources) certification exam, which is something you should study for if you don't value your sanity.
  • Chris chose to remain married to me while I studied for the SPHR, which included feeding me at regular intervals, selectively ignoring the little nests of flashcards and textbooks that I made on the living room floor, and listening to me talk incessantly about the finer points of labor unions. I'm sorry, honey!
  • I finished my Master Certificate in HR from Cornell, and then got promoted to Vice President at my job, which is a local division of Xerox. In exchange for my time and effort, they let me make as many copies as I want.
  • Chris got promoted from a Project Coordinator for his company's Continuing Education Program to the Business Manager for the Sales Team. He works at an aerospace association, so I presume that they sell things like astronaut ice cream. Lots and lots of astronaut ice cream.
  • We kept our cats alive, despite their best attempts to thwart our efforts. Ask us about the mobile feline cardiology unit! Better yet, don't!
  • Chris talked me in to running, which is something that I previously only did in cases of rain or being chased by something that could kill me. He did his first 10k this year with an awesome time! I did my first 5k and did not come in last place or stop for doughnuts! In less than a month, we're headed to California where Chris will run the Star Wars Half Marathon, and I'm doing the Star Wars 5k. I am going to run dressed as an Ewok (yes, really). I do not know if Ewoks ate doughnuts, but THIS Ewok probably will.

Interspersed with all of that, we made some time for fun:
  • We went to Kauai and Oahu in February for our honeymoon. Astute observers will note that we didn't get married this year. We purposely waited until winter to go on a tropical honeymoon. There was a blizzard in Virginia while we were gone--ha ha ha, suckers! We saw lots of whales (they are big), hiked Koko Crater (it is steep), and fell asleep at the pool and got sunburned (that was dumb). Thanks to all of Chris' work trips, we used miles to fly first class on the Dreamliner. There were ice cream sundaes at 2 a.m., AS THERE SHOULD BE.
  • I was the Matron of Honor in Amy's June wedding, which was exciting because she married the love of her life and all, but even MORE exciting because I fulfilled my lifelong dream of drinking gin from a flask in the church parlor.
  • We went to Orlando for my work conference, and then met friends for some fun at Disneyworld. Chris drank a beer at every country in Epcot. He highly recommends Canadian beer and does NOT recommend French beer.
  • Speaking of beer, breweries continued to pop up in Loudoun County (our county of choice) due to some awesome brewery-friendly new laws. Our favorite is Lost Rhino, but we can also recommend Old Ox, Adroit Theory, Crooked Run, Old Busthead, Corcoran, and Heritage (probably in that order). We have done repeat tastings so that we can provide this very valuable information to you.
  • We celebrated our one year anniversary in October by both becoming really sick and not going on the trip we had planned. But we did have some totally awesome shots of Nyquil. Oh well, maybe next year.

Our goals for 2015 are to have less accomplishments and more naps. Okay, maybe that's MY goal. Chris says that naps are for quitters and kitties. So on that note, I'm going to quit writing this letter and wish you a belated "Happy Christmas" as my girl Kate Middleton would say. (Don't think I've given up on my slightly-obsessive following of the Duchess of Cambridge. Chris rolls his eyes, but has indulged my desires for CopyKate clothes and necklaces because he's more awesome than Princes William and Harry combined. He also has better hair.)

Best wishes for a wonderful new year!

The Browns

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