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What I've been up to...

I got to see lots of people at Thanksgiving that I hadn't seen in a while, and several asked "what's going on with the blog?!"

The answer is: I've been busy.

And I hate giving that answer, because I think "sorry, I'm just so busy" is just so lame.  While it's the current truth, it's not a truth I'm okay with.  So I'm working on that.  It's meant some hard things, like turning down the opportunity to serve on the Board of Directors of a local charity.  (I discussed with Charitable Jesus, and decided that it wasn't what I'm meant to do right now.)  It's included some awesome things, like finding a reasonably priced massage therapy clinic less than 10 minutes from my job in Manassas.  It's involved some productive conversations with my bosses about how and where to focus my time and energy--and it's been great to have their support, or at the very least when things get bad, their beer.


But enough of that, and on to the fun updates!

I made an Amazon Wish List for Christmas.  I'm not telling you this not so you'll buy me things, but because lots of you liked the witty captions that accompanied our wedding registry.  Also, because I found this t-shirt, which is awesome.

Specifically, Chris Hemsworth as Thor.  People magazine FINALLY got it right, and named him the Sexiest Man Alive for 2014.  You're doing the Lord's work, People.

Oh heeeeeeyyyyyy.
Speaking of Chrises, mine has been having accomplishments, like getting promoted, running his first ever 10k with a wicked-fast time, and putting up Christmas garland to my specifications without murdering me.  Love you, honey!

Chris and I are still planning on running the Star Wars races in January, and I've decided to run as an Ewok.  Here's the top part of my running attire:
Yub nub!
I also ran my first 5k, and people kept asking me about my time.  Huh?  I was not-so-much worried about a time as I was about stopping for a donut or going off route to my house, which has a sofa that I could sit on.  So I was just excited to finish, and get a plastic medal and a Chick-fil-a coupon!  And Chris was a good sport and "ran" sloooowly with me.

What have the other important people in my life been doing?

K-Middy went and got herself knocked up again.  So in about 4 more months, she might weigh more than I do.

After a few months at home due to severe morning sickness, she stepped out in this leggy number, which makes me think that maybe she was doing leg lifts while vomiting.

She also commemorated World War I in this mostly forgettable cream suit, but this totally awesome hat:

Speaking of World War I commemorations, she visited the Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red art installation at the Tower of London.  Our friends were in London and saw it, and said it was amazing.  There were several petitions to leave the exhibit up longer, but alas, it came down.  The good news is that the 800,000+ poppies (one for each British life lost in WWI) were all sold, with the proceeds benefiting veterans causes.  Even better is that eBay and other resellers have banned the poppies from being resold, since each one commemorates a life.  My poppy is arriving in mid-January. :)

Here's a picture of part of the installation, in case you're curious.

And finally, Johnny Weir has continued to be fabulous, and looks way better in a purple turtleneck than I ever will.

Until next time, my friends!  (Which will hopefully be later this week, and not 4 months from now...)

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