I got almost ten hours of uninterrupted sleep Wednesday night--score! Lunch was (let's say it together now) chicken and noodles. I also had a banana and two glasses of water and some whole wheat crackers. Total: 11 points
Then I itemized and bagged up some clothes for charity, which was one of my planned post-surgery projects. I always save the free big plastic bags that charities mail out because "they're good bags!" as my grandmother would say. Well, turns out that I have over ten of them. Which means that I have skipped becoming my mother, and just become my grandmother instead.
I felt really worn out after that, so I watched some tv and had a bowl of rice chex and milk. Then, the doorbell rang and it was a package from Marvie, who sent me some get well cake pops! So I had to eat one. It was delicious. Total: 9 points
We were going to try to go to Target and just walk around as a "get Alyssa out of the house" field trip in the evening, but I decided that I'd rather have a two hour nap. So Chris ran some errands and then picked up kabobs on the way home. Dinner was chicken, rice, and a big bowl of blueberries, plus two cups of water. Total: 9 points
And then I didn't feel that great, so I drank a cup of hot tea and ate some British biscuits and thought of Kate Middleton. Total: 6 points
So in summary, I just kind of ate things yesterday, but I was actually hungry. I could have done better with the dairy, veggies, and oils. Alas, tomorrow is another day.
Liquids: 6/6
Today's Fine Art in Blogging painting is by R. Joanne Johnson. |

I felt really worn out after that, so I watched some tv and had a bowl of rice chex and milk. Then, the doorbell rang and it was a package from Marvie, who sent me some get well cake pops! So I had to eat one. It was delicious. Total: 9 points
Adorable...and tasty! |
And then I didn't feel that great, so I drank a cup of hot tea and ate some British biscuits and thought of Kate Middleton. Total: 6 points
So in summary, I just kind of ate things yesterday, but I was actually hungry. I could have done better with the dairy, veggies, and oils. Alas, tomorrow is another day.
Liquids: 6/6
Dairy: 1/2
Vitamin: 1/1
Healthy Oil: 0/2
Fruits/Veggies: 3/5
Protein: 3/2
Whole Grains: yes, rice chex
Exercise: still not allowed
Vitamin: 1/1
Healthy Oil: 0/2
Fruits/Veggies: 3/5
Protein: 3/2
Whole Grains: yes, rice chex
Exercise: still not allowed
Total: 26/26 points
Weekly Points: 9/49 for the week
Weekly Points: 9/49 for the week
We'll give it a confused looking Charles.